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Sexology/Bioenergetic Aspects of Sex Bioenergetic Aspects of SexNow let us discuss another important mechanism of regulation of the sexual function — a bioenergetic one. A significant part of an organism’s activity takes place on the bioenergetic plane [15-16,18-20]. One may say that on this plane there are special organs and pathways. These organs are represented by the chakras, while the pathways — by the meridians. Knowledge about these structures has been used in the art of psychic self-regulation of Oriental countries since ancient times. But it was in Russia that they got combined with modern scientific notions about the multidimensional nature of a human organism and that comprehensive teachings about the chakras and meridians as reflexogenic zones of the emotional and volitional sphere [14-25]. Mastering the techniques of working with these structures equips one with radical methods of psychic self-regulation that allow transforming oneself from a sick, unsociable, dismal, constantly irritated individual — into a healthy, cheerful, and sociable person just within months. Another function of the chakras consists in accumulation, transformation, and distribution of free (i.e. not involved in biochemical ties) bioenergies within the organism. The chakras are located as follows: Sahasrara — a chakra that has a form of a lying disk and is located under the parietal bones. Its diameter is about 12 centimeters; its height is about 5 centimeters (we indicate the size of the developed chakras); it corresponds with the region of the forebrain hemispheres. Ajna — a large chakra that is located in the middle of the head and is coincident with the central sections of the brain. Vishuddha — a chakra that is located in the lower half of the neck and that occupies the space from the spine to the thyroid. Anahata — a chakra located in the chest. A well-developed anahata occupies the majority of the chest. Manipura — a chakra of the upper part of the abdomen. Svadhisthana — a chakra of the lower part of the abdomen. Muladhara — a chakra located in the lower part of the pelvis between the coccyx and the pubic bone. The level of development of the chakras corresponds with one’s psychological features. So, when the following chakras are developed: Sahasrara — the person has a pronounced strategic thinking ability, i.e. the ability to see the “big picture”, to comprehend the whole situation as if “from above”, which allows him or her to be a broad-thinking manager; Ajna — the person possesses a tactical thinking ability, which allows him or her to deal successfully with definite problems in science, business, family life, etc.; Vishuddha — an ability for aesthetical perception is observed; good painters, musicians, and other artists are people with a well-developed vishuddha; Anahata — the person possesses the ability to love emotionally (to love not “from the mind”, but “from the heart”); Manipura — the ability to act energetically (but in people who do not work on ethical self-perfection it is often accompanied with a disposition towards dominance of negative emotions like irritation and anger); Svadhisthana — the person possesses a well-pronounced reproductive function; Muladhara — the person is able to maintain psychological stability in various situations. Every one of us had an opportunity to experience specific manifestations of their chakras’ activity. For example, when we are mentally tired, we feel «heaviness» in the ajna or sahasrara region. But when something harmonious “takes our breath away” sometimes, this is a manifestation of vishuddha. In the opposite situation, one may feel a “lump in the throat” — this is a reaction of the same chakra to the disharmony of the situation (for example, feeling offended because of injustice of other people or of one’s own mistake that resulted in an “I-don’t-know-what-to-do!” kind of emotional state). Yes, our emotions are generated not in the brain at all, but on the bioenergetic plane — in the chakras. Those who can control their chakras understand this very well; they can, in particular, create and study their emotions, so to say, “in their pure form”, as energetic formations, as if “from aside”. The results of electrophysical studies that showed that the brain structures participate in emotional reactions reflect just a secondary link in the chain of realization of emotional states. Anahata manifests itself at the moments when we experience unselfish love. But there are people who radiate love with their spiritual hearts from the anahata chakra all the time — at all surrounding people and in every situation. They are said to be “big- hearted and warm-hearted persons” and this is what we should strive to become, because the path that can bring a person to full spiritual self-realization starts with the development of the spiritual heart (first within the chakra anahata, and then on the scale much larger than the size of the physical body)! The chakra manipura is usually perceived only when one experiences negative emotions, which is manifested sometimes in nasty “sinking” sensation in the pit of one’s stomach or even in a feeling of unpleasant energies swirling and bubbling inside the chakra. Unsatisfied sexual arousal gives one an opportunity to feel svadhisthana very clearly. These unpleasant sensations in the lower part of the abdomen and the corresponding segment of the spine (these sensations are not observed in all people) — are a result of overfilling of the chakra with a special sort of bioenergy — udana, which was supposed to flow out of svadhisthana and cause orgasm. This is what the mechanism of orgasm consists in. Under normal conditions, udana that has flown out during orgasm gets into the organism of the partner. If the partner does not get the “due” portion of udana after the sexual intercourse, he or she may feel tired or exhausted. This is why harmony in sexual relations can be achieved, as a rule, only provided that both partners have an orgasm. An excess of udana (one’s own or received from the partner) gets transformed (sublimated) into energy of other chakras (provided that the chakras and corresponding pathways — the meridians — are developed and function well). Depending on which chakra predominates, all people can be divided into corresponding psychological types.* Each chakra is responsible for supply of free bioenergies to organs that are located within the corresponding segment of the body. Many diseases of various organs develop because the corresponding chakras are contaminated. Special exercises with the chakras allow one to cure the respective organs [18]. The chakras are intercommunicated through several meridians: Sushumna — this is a wide meridian that runs from the coccyx up the spine and through the medulla oblongata to sahasrara. Sushumna conducts a wide range of bioenergies. Vajrini — this canal is located within sushumna and is narrower. It delivers udana from svadhisthana to other chakras. Chitrini (Brahmanadi) — is a meridian that runs behind sushumna along the spinous processes of the vertebras and in the skin behind them. In the head, this meridian runs through the scull along and inside the occipital bones to sahasrara. Chitrini conducts one of the subtlest kinds of bioenergies in the organism. Along the front part of the body, there is a very important meridian called zhen-mo (in Chinese) — or front meridian. It begins from the upper occipital part of the head, where chitrini ends. Then it forks into two branches that turn round sahasrara and join in the forehead area to split into several small canals that run down the face and join again in the vishuddha region. Its other large branch passes through the brain and through the palate, reaches the chin and joins the other branches at the front side of the neck. After that the canal runs down the front side of the trunk as a wide ribbon (8-10 centimeters wide), passing through the hypodermic cellular tissue. Then it crosses the pubic bone and goes through the perineum towards the spinal meridians. The topography and condition of all bioenergetic structures of the organism, including the chakras and meridians, can be determined by means of clairvoyance, which can be developed through a systematic Raja Yoga practice [18]. Special exercises allow one to connect the spinal meridians and the front meridian into one ring; this energetic circle is called the microcosmic orbit. Exercises with this orbit give a unique positive emotional effect [18]. Let us come to the issue of bioenergetic transformations taking place in the human organism. Energy comes to the human organism mainly from food. After that it undergoes a series of transformations. Initially, all free energy that has been derived from the processing of the food in the digestive tract gets accumulated in the manipura chakra. Its quality depends on the type of foodstuffs that one eats. The coarsest type of energy is derived from “killed” food, while the subtlest — from fruits, berries, vegetables, and grains. Then manipuric energy (samana, in Sanskrit) has to be refined before it can be used for various needs of the organism most effectively. Of course, this can be performed provided that bioenergetic structures taking part in this process are developed and function properly. The first stage of the refining process takes place when samana gets transformed into udana. The second stage is performed by means of doing a special exercise — circulation of energy around the microcosmic orbit. During this stage the energy of the two lower chakras (muladhara and svadhisthana) gets raised up through the spinal meridians, moved over the head, and brought down through the front meridian. When going down the front meridian, the energy gets transformed, which can be perceived by everyone who has mastered this exercise. The front meridian represents a sort of energy transformer. As a result, the practitioner discovers an absolutely new world of the subtlest positive emotions; and this is very important to master, in sexual contacts in particular. The developed chakras are also connected by the wide middle meridian, which runs vertically through the center of the body. On a primitive level, sexual communication of people is reduced to mechanical irritation of the erogenous zones. But in the case of spiritually advanced people, sex is much more about subtle positive emotions. This corresponds with the very purpose of this kind of communication that they set for themselves — not reaching one’s own orgasm as soon as possible, but giving the partner maximum tenderness and attaining high harmony between souls. During a sexual intercourse an intensive energy exchange between the partners takes place, and it is not only udana that they exchange. They can activate the bioenergetic systems and cleanse the chakras and meridians if they pay attention to this. Those who attained the ability to see bioenergies can watch them flowing and control the energy streams. One can heal the partner through a sexual contact. But in other cases, a serious damage of the bioenergetic systems may be incurred, which can cause diseases. This may happen as a result of a sexual contact with a drunk, sick, or bioenergetically coarse person. This is especially important for people who walk the spiritual Path: a spouse who does not go to God together with you, who does not work on refinement of his or her emotions and consciousness — will hinder you in your spiritual advancement. And if you do not change this situation radically — this will be considered as a sin of non-fulfillment of your main destination — to develop spiritually to the best of your abilities. Jesus Christ told regarding situations like this that those who — for the sake of fulfillment of His Teachings — renounce earthly attachments to their unworthy spouses and go towards attainment of the main Purpose of their lives — to God — will receive everything, including blessings in the life to come, a hundred times more (Matthew 19:29, Mark 10:29-30). * * * Sexual emotions, like other emotions, are energy field phenomena and exist not only inside our bodies but also outside them, being emanated beyond the body’s limits and causing resonance in other beings, including people. The latter — consciously or not — may get attuned to these fields. Various characteristics of sexual emotions, such as primitive lust — or tender giving; coarseness — or subtlety; arrogant contempt — or gratitude; also get transmitted. But the most intensive influences in the sexual sphere take place, of course, during a direct sexual contact. In particular, it is from this perspective that the problem of a partners’ bioenergetic compatibility should be viewed. The result of compatibility can be a high harmony in a relationship. Incompatibility, on the other hand, may lead in some cases to heavy depressions, to the development of aversion to the partner, and to the state of horror caused by the possibility of future sexual contacts with him or her. Another nuance is that a short duration of coitus due to quick ejaculation may well not be a man’s fault, but a result of coarseness of the svadhisthanic energy of a woman. Namely, if her udana is much more coarse than the svadhisthanic energy of the man — then his sexual contacts with this woman are very brief, although with other women he is able to have long sexual contacts. * * * From the bioenergetic perspective, in order for the reproductive system to function properly, one has to possess not only overall bioenergetic purity and subtlety, but also the bioenergetic structures of one’s organism, which we discussed above, have to be developed and well-functioning. Among them are: Ajna — concentration in ajna during a sexual intercourse is similar, by its effect on the reproductive system, to activation of the sympathetic division of the nervous system. This reduces the sexual capacities both of a man (weak erection, shortening of the coitus) and of a woman (inability to relax mentally, domination of irrelevant thoughts, etc.). If one partner is in ajna, it does not allow the other one to stay firmly in subtle emotional states during a sexual intercourse. In a case like this, harmony is impossible to reach. Attaining the ability to shift the concentration of the consciousness from ajna to anahata and to other chakras allows one to get rid of being slaved by negative emotions. This also helps one stop the “inner dialogue”, to which a great number of people are subjugated. If there is bioenergetic contamination in ajna, which a clairvoyant may see as dark spots, then it is very difficult to shift the concentration from it to another chakra, and it is almost impossible in this case to keep the concentration outside ajna for some time. This is why it is very important to maintain this chakra in a cleansed condition. Anahata — being constantly with the concentration of the consciousness in anahata as a background state is a significant spiritual achievement by itself. And during a sexual intercourse this is absolutely necessary. Merging energies of two anahatas produces an incredible emotional effect. Manipura — domination of negative emotional states supported by the energy state of manipura corresponds to arousal of the sympathetic division of the nervous system, which is incompatible with harmonious sexual relations. Learning to control one’s own bioenergetic system allows one to get rid of states like this. Svadhisthana — this is a leading chakra of the whole reproductive system. Sufficient energy potential in this chakra is a prerequisite for manifestation of sexual emotions and for reaching orgasm both by men and women, as well as for erection. It is immaturity of svadhisthana that accounts for lack of orgasms (when everything else makes for it) in the case of women who just started their sexual life; positive sexual experience afterwards leads to “maturing” of the chakra. Distribution of the concentration of the consciousness between anahata and svadhisthana results in full manifestation of sexuality during the intercourse. Muladhara — a bioenergetic potential in muladhara ensures stable realization of the sexual function, since muladharic energy replenishes svadhisthana in case of its exhaustion. Vajrini — this is the meridian through which udana from svadhisthana is distributed. Cleansing and development of vajrini allows women suffering from anorgasmia accompanied by painful sensations to get rid of these symptoms by letting the excessive energy flow out freely of the chakra. Vajrini is usually cleansed by means of special methods along with sushumna. Chitrini — concentration of the consciousness in this meridian allows one to attain extremely subtle emotional states, which are very valuable for a sexual intercourse. The front meridian — if both partners concentrate in the front meridian, this allows them to experience an intense tenderness. It should be noted also that winter swimming in ice-cold water can contribute to curing of many chronic diseases of the reproductive system. This method was covered in the works [18,47,93].
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